Now that I'm moving in about 6 months (!) I'm starting to think of what I want in a new home. Ideally, I want to pick a place I'm going to live in for the whole 4 years -- which would be the longest place I've ever lived in since I was 15. I'm really looking forward to painting the walls -- something I never did before b/c I didn't want to have to repaint it 11 months later -- and really moving in and making it home.
I wish I could have done that with apartments past, but once I know it's very temporary, I stop decorating and focus on the move. My current apartment is all unpacked, but barely decorated -- I've just lost motivation on getting it together since I'm out the door in a few months.
So, in the effort to living like an adult, and making the big move, I found some cute (and most is diy!) wall decor I would love to utilize in my new place. I love all the possibilities of having a new place!

Living with Lindsay]

Apartment Therapy]

Apartment Therapy]

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