18 hours ago
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
And this is life.
So first of all. He's ok. He actually made it on his Africa trip (and thus our break-up since I would be gone to NOLA by the time he gets back) -- which we didn't find out he was going on until a few hours before his flight left.
He was hit on his bike by a car that was not paying attention and pretty much t-boned him. He's in good spirits, although it has really shaken up me and his friends. He broke his arm and nose.. and her windshield.. and she was the first to apologize and call the ambulance.
It really put a damper on our farewell plans.. well ruined them.. but we made the best of it. There wasn't much else we could do.. but I am so thankful he wasn't hurt worse.
And since he was off to Ghana, he made sure to get red, white, and blue colored cast for to rep the US in the world cup.
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GOOOO!!! holy crap!!! i screamed just now looking at that picture. so glad he's okay.
OMG - bless his heart!!
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