I fully expect that when I move to place like New Orleans, I'm going to get a lot of visitors.. and I welcome y'all! However. I'm also a student... and with this comes massive amounts of studying. BUT. The good news is, for a lot of this town, you don't need a tour guide.. especially where I'll be living. Just grab a beer, and walk around the city while I'm holed up in the library.
But I def won't be studying the whole time.. Tulane's really got this motto down to a science -- "work hard, play hard"... and even the Med School's chaplain gets down. So here's a basic guide for your visit so you won't be sorry for partying (SFP).
1. Don't double fist. Especially when one fist is a hand grenade.
2. Just say no to any kind of "bombs". Anything that sounds destructive, will be. (I should have trusted my gut on this one.)
3. Be nice to the locals. And everyone showing you a good time. You could be this guy. SFP.
4. In New Orleans.. sometimes the shots are huge. But on second thought.. let's stick with beer. Marathon drinking y'all.. not a sprint.
5. Speaking from experience, a 6am flight out of NOLA is asking for trouble. But even if you think you'll be good and come back at "bar close" (which is never, ps) and sleep for a few hours.. always have your bags packed. Case in point? 3am. We've come back to drop off some friends, bags packed, and I go out with the gays for some more drinking and shenanigans. Flight? 6:30am. Actual time I leave New Orleans? 11am.
6. And finally, get excited, because as soon as you get picked up from the airport.. we're doing this. (in Louisiana you can drive with an open container.. as long as you're not the driver.. don't worry Mom haha). Monsoons upon arrival. (destructive? of course.) You can't leave this city without having an amazing time.. and it literally starts upon arrival.
I'm moving in less than a month! Visitors welcome!
18 hours ago
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