I feel like I've been living out of a suitcase lately -- my apartment is a mess, I have no groceries b/c by the time I buy them, they rot in my absence, and I'm constantly tired. This is my last weekend away (at least for a week or two), and it is by far the best one yet -- I'm going to NYC to see S$!! Words cannot explain how excited I am to visit her!
During my travels, especially in the airport, I usually always stop by the second hand bookstores -- I feel the books have a little more character there, and the owners are always around to give you advice on your next read. There's one in the airport, and I'm a huge fan of supporting local businesses.. and their latest recommendation is:
So far I love it -- and I know it's been out for a while, but it's time to start reading all the contemporary fiction I can, before medical school takes over my life (my interview at Case went well, btw).
18 hours ago
Somebody needs to get this girl back on track. First visit and I have only read the this entry so far. I quote "my apartment is a mess, I have no groceries b/c by the time I buy them, they rot in my absence, and I'm constantly tired". E-Nuff Said...
On second thought, whose 20 something life doesn't consist of this.....
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