Here's some things I'm looking forward to exploring:
Magazine Street -- full of vintage shops, such as LiliVintage

And since it is the birthplace of jazz... wandering the French Quarter (known for many things, including numerous jazz clubs) and finding some great music is something I'm really looking forward to. Below is Cafe Beignet.

The great thing about NoLa is that you can wander the streets with a drink in your hand and find all different kinds of music on every corner. I've never heard much jazz music, but when in Rome, right?
And I'm falling in love with Tulane in general. I found the med students' blog which is hilarious and endearing. Check it.
There's even a top 10 list of "fears" from the first years (named T1s). My favorites:
"10. Let me tell you about a thing called med prom. Remember prom back in high school (this might be reaching way back for some of you)? Now add a cash bar and the faculty. That’s med prom. Maybe a professor removes their wedding ring and terrorizes anything with a heartbeat (heartbeat optional). That could be you…Are you with me?"
"2. We’ve seen some sick things. And let’s be real: we’re at risk every time we get our grind on at the Boot. Imagine waking up the morning after a real rager. You’ve pissed in the bed, the thing lying next to you wants breakfast and a relationship, and you just realized that you left your car in the neighbor’s back yard. Now for the worst part: the same purple lump you saw in lecture on Friday is growing on your forehead on Monday. (What were you doing, you sick bastard) Next thing you know, your whole body? Yeah, it’s a giant purple lump. Are you scared? Because you should be?"
I really could not be more excited to actually start doing what I will be doing for the rest of my life. Dudes.. I'm going to be a doctor. How weird is that?!
Congrats, Sarah!!! SO proud and very excited for you!!! Can't wait to read about your Tulane tracks!
Welcome to the deep South lady! You're gonna LOVE IT!
YAYY! Congrats!!
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