In my last few months left in NC, I have a lot of traveling and events I'm getting excited for! Here's what I'm especially pumped for:
Las Vegas -- THIS weekend with these two amazing girls --> RSJ and S$. Words can't explain how pumped I am for this!! We are going to run amuck in Vegas. I miss these girls every day and they are my absolute best friends. A reunion is much needed after being apart for a VERY long time.
Great Grapes Wine Festival! I don't know why I hadn't heard of this before.. but I'm excited to go this year. SSC introduced me to this event -- and what could be better than being outdoors in the spring, with unlimited wine "samples"..? I can't wait to go and get belig with her and friends in the sunshine. Who's down??
Trip to NOLA! At the end of April, I'll be heading down to New Orleans with Dad and Bex (and perhaps Deluxx(x) now that he'll be 21 -- heyohh) and look for housing! I'm getting so antsy.. words can't even explain.
..and speaking of Deluxx(x) (my dear little brother). He turns 21 on April 16th. And believe I will be there for that debauchery. He's hilarious to me, and I love him tons -- and I can't wait to help him celebrate with him and friends!
Then there's a series of Bon Voyage parties.. for me and others. One of TP's friends who is a lot of fun is moving to Utah for work and is having a blowout of drinking and hanging out on the lake.. how can you say no to that?! I have a weakness for booze in the sunshine. There's nothing more relaxing.
And then there are my going away party(ies?). TP's husband brews beer as a hobby (jeal) and it is quite delicious. He has begun brewing a NOLA style beer, and we're going to have a small party with that and all the New Orleans-style food to have a mini-goodbye party. One of the girls that used to be in the lab (and one of the only med students that was honestly cool and not an utter douchebag) JC got into her residency up in NYC and we'll be saying goodbye to her too! I hate goodbye parties, but this will be lowkey enough that I won't get all teary like a baby (although I'm not betting on anything).
..then I've got to do some kind of Adios Triangle bar crawl. It's only approp since I doubt I'll be back here anytime soon (except to visit of course). Ah! Sad.. ok enough of that.
18 hours ago
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