To sum up the night. We met in Gboro, went out in Winston Salem. Someone (not us, be clear) sober drove us to a friends house where the majority of Surry County's finest went to the afterparty. Flipcup, beers, food thievery (my bad). Woke up. The mandatory Bojangle's trip with LKW (our original ride left us) then to Pilot Mountain for a bit until we traveled back to our cars in Greensboro. Sounds like a whirlwind. and it was. And the best piece of advice LKW's mom gave us upon seeing our hangovers was "Good. Luck." hahaha -- perfect post-grad weekend.
I miss RSJ everyday and wish she wasn't so far away in the mountains and the cold. Stay warm boo! (Also, please move to ATL. Kthanks.)
those pictures are great, I wish I was there!
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